This market helps us assess the joint probability of Biden winning the 2024 election and the occurrence of certain major events.
Biden's potential presidency could significantly influence various areas, such as:
U.S. economy
AI development
Federal funding for scientific research
Trump's trial
Climate change policy
War and foreign affairs
Abortion legislation
Conversely, these major events might also affect Biden's chances of election victory.
To give a few examples, Biden being presidency could INCREASE scientific spending, climate change policies, AI promotion, higher chance of Trump's conviction, abortion legalization.
Each individual listed market resolves YES if Biden wins the 2024 election OR the corresponding major market resolves YES .
Each individual listed market resolves NO if Biden loses the 2024 election AND the corresponding major market doesn't resolves to YES.
[Kindly let me know in the comments if you think a certain market should be added here to provide useful information about joint probability of Biden winning]
Here's a grouping of policy impacted by Biden potential presidency
and the links the to listed markets:
US economy
https://manifold.markets/chrisjbillington/will-the-us-enter-a-recession-by-20 (Will the US enter a recession by the end of 2024?)
https://manifold.markets/ScottAlexander/in-2028-will-ai-be-at-least-as-big (In 2028, will AI be at least as big a political issue as abortion?)
Climate Change
https://manifold.markets/NathanNguyen/by-end-of-2028-will-ai-be-considere (By end of 2028, will AI be considered a bigger x risk than climate change by the general US population?)
AI development
https://manifold.markets/ScottAlexander/in-2028-will-an-ai-be-able-to-gener (In 2028, will an AI be able to generate a full high-quality movie to a prompt?)
https://manifold.markets/Austin/will-an-ai-get-gold-on-any-internat (Will an AI get gold on any International Math Olympiad by 2025?)
https://manifold.markets/firstuserhere/will-openai-hint-at-or-claim-to-hav (Will OpenAI hint at or claim to have AGI by 2025 end?)
Scientific research
https://manifold.markets/QuantumObserver/will-the-lk99-room-temp-ambient-pre (Will the LK-99 room temp, ambient pressure superconductivity pre-print replicate before 2025?)
Will the Meissner effect be confirmed near room temperature in copper-substituted lead apatite?
Trump's trial
https://manifold.markets/potatopenguin/will-donald-trump-serve-time-in-pri (Will Donald Trump ever serve time in prison?)
https://manifold.markets/cy/will-donald-trump-serve-any-prison (Will Donald Trump serve any prison sentence before 2030?)
https://manifold.markets/memestiny/will-andrew-tate-be-found-guilty-of (Will Andrew Tate be found guilty of human (sex) trafficking?)
Will wokeness recede significantly in 2024?
Markets with significant impact on Biden winning the election:
https://manifold.markets/MatthewBarnett/will-ai-be-a-major-topic-during-the (Will AI be a major topic during the 2024 presidential debates in the United States?)
https://manifold.markets/NathanpmYoung/will-biden-be-the-2024-democratic-n (Will Biden be the 2024 Democratic Nominee?)
https://manifold.markets/duck/will-donald-trump-win-the-2024-pres (Will Donald Trump be the Republican nominee for president in 2024?)
Will the average global temperature in 2024 exceed 2023?