At the end of 2024, what Manifold market will have the most traders?
Jan 1
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Resolves to the market with the most unique traders at the end of 2024 (in the Central Time Zone), or to equal percentages if multiple markets are tied for the most at that time. If I am unable to determine which market had the most at that time (e.g., two markets are extremely close, I don't look at the exact time, and I can't find any Manifold analytics saying which one was ahead), I will resolve to a percentage .

All market types are allowed, including bounties and polls (where the number of commenters and voters is considered to be the number of unique trades). It also doesn't matter if the market is closed or already resolved.

I may exclude a market if there is clear evidence that its trader count has been inflated by fake accounts, and it wouldn't have had the most otheise.

Here are links to the options in this market:












For a shorter term version, see /PlasmaBallin/at-the-end-of-2023-what-manifold-ma

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Biden nom is only ahead of LK-99 by 54 traders, pretty plausible that LK-99 could surpass it before the year is out, given that Biden nom is already resolved.