Resolves based on day that his custodial sentence starts, or "never" if he dies without serving a custodial sentence. Markets close will be extended as needed.
What counts?
Prison, jail or house arrest pre-conviction does not, must be serving a sentence.
Prison, jail or house arrest post-conviction counts.
Community service, probation, and other non-custodial sentences do not count.
It does not count if he is pardoned or otherwise granted clemency before his imprisonment.
@JimAusman You really think he's going to serve time once he leaves the white house? he'd prob go to Russia before letting that happen
@Anguss9lU he should wait until he's sentenced to death and about to be killed and then pardon himself and the two thieves being crucified on either side of him.
@MartinRandall If he's going that far, why not go all the way? As it stands, he's going to be a footnote in 2000 years but if he dies for our sins, we're talking immortality, infinite syndication for "The Apprentice", sky's the limit...
@snazzlePop perfectly fair though. Even Fareed Zakaria on CNN was calling out the insane lawfare against Trump as an own-goal and potential factor behind Trump's win
@snazzlePop what aint fair is having a trial in a city that 90% voted against you sending you to jail when the majority of American people want you as president.
@Riley12 Fairness and justice are measured by societal cost. It's transparently quantifiable when you're dealing with dollar values.
@Riley12 I mean, everyone has probably committed a crime at some point, not just presidents. I've jaywalked before. But not everyone has committed 34 felonies.
@Riley12 Fairness isn't just something people scream at their screens. All justice systems attempt to quantify and objectify fairness. You're suggesting that a conflict of interest should nullify the act of balancing the scales of justice and that fairness should instead be measured by the will of a single man. I'm saying I don't believe in kings.