Will it be possible to short an answer on a free-response market by the end of 2023?
resolved Aug 1
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bought Ṁ5,000 of YES

Just added, new free response markets used the new fixed payout mechanism, resolves YES

predicted NO

@jack could you link me one? want to seee

predicted NO

@travis Sad I lost 50 cents but that's a dope feature. I didn't even really look at the question lol I just bet no on any question related to manifold fixing/adding things.

bought Ṁ10 of NO

Is there any concrete reason why this has been bet up so high other than optimism? E.g. discussions on the Discord I’ve missed or anything? (I’m not on the Discord.)

In the meantime, I’m betting a small amount on “No” mainly to dare the Manifold team to make this happen and take my mana. I want to be able to short the top answer in this market already.

predicted YES

@Kronopath It already happened for multichoice markets, and Manifold said they are currently working on doing it for free response markets.

sold Ṁ10 of NO


When you say "by the end of 2023" do you mean before the end of 2023 or at the end of 2023?

@LukeHanks FWIW standard terminology is that by means before, not at. Some people use it wrongly, but it's rare. IMO in any market where the author uses it wrongly and there's no evidence to indicate a different than standard definition, the standard definition should be used regardless of what the author thought it meant.

Will it be possible to short an answer on a free-response market by the end of 2023?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition