Who will be the first person or group to convincingly replicate the LK-99 Superconductivity by September?
resolved Sep 1
No replication by september
@iris_IGB on Twitter/X
Bill Nye the Science Guy
NileRed (https://www.youtube.com/@NileRed)
Argonne National Labs
School of Physics, Nanjing University
One of Elon's companies
CSIR — National Physical Laboratory of India
Andrew McCalip (https://twitter.com/andrewmccalip)
Collège de France. Jean-Marie Tarascon's lab! (https://twitter.com/zoubairezzz0595/status/1686073167545057296)
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Nanjing University
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
@nimorotem on twitter
Laboratory of Chemical Technology, Ghent University
Physics Department of Southeast University
Peking University
Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Charles University (@CondMatfyz on X)

This is a free response question using the new system for multi-binary payout! I believe this should provide much stronger incentive to provide the winning answer first!

All duplicate answers will be ignored, and if there is no convincing replication by the end of August this resolves to "No replication by september".

I'm following this all pretty closely so I'll rely on expert consensus on who's first, and I will not trade in this market.

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Coming up on the end of the month here! Perfect time for volatility predictions:

bought Ṁ10 of School of Physics, N... YES

Oops I put Nanjing University twice, ignore mine and use School of Physics, Nanjing University @Joshua

bought Ṁ50 of No replication by se... NO
bought Ṁ26 of Other YES

@ii If LK-99 is not shown to be a superconductor by anyone else, then "No replication by September" would trigger, explaining its high probability. I agree that the chance of "Other" is vastly underestimated here (there are likely many groups currently working on it silently).

boughtṀ10One of Elon's companies YES


This is unlikely to matter, but for the record I think entries should be more specific than this.

bought Ṁ10 of @iris_IGB on Twitter/X YES

@Joshua I see your point and understand where you come from but Elon is usually using the best resources he knows of when trying to do things fast, sometimes even has multiple teams do the same thing and compete with one another. It will just be a guess to make a bet on a specific team from his portfolio and would also clutter the voting options. But for the record. I think Tesla research team with SpaceX material science team is a valid option if the superconductor is real.

@shaggishaggi What you think personally of Musk is irrelevant, this is not a "person or group".

Ok, now everyone be honest!

It seems like the “other” option would never pay out, since when news broke of a team replicating, someone would add their name to the market. Do I misunderstand?

@HastingsGreer yep! when new answers get added, you gain shares for/against them equal to your Other shares

@HastingsGreer the other option just grants you shares in new answers; I don't think it pays out itself.

So if you think an answer not on the list will pay out, buy "Other" for now.

Yeah I'm not going to suddenly resolve this with no warning, I'm sure there will be plenty of discussion in the comments and someone will add all plausible options.

bought Ṁ17 of No replication by se... YES

How suspicious are you/how do you define convincingly?

The maximally convincing hypothetical case would be that someone announces replication, everyone reputable on twitter says they're convinced, it's posted to the comments and all these markets and those on metaculus and polymarket suddenly shoot up and resolve yes, lots of mainstream news articles report it as a replication, and it's added to the wikipedia page as the first replication.

None of those individual examples are necessary on their own, but that's the kind of things I'll be looking for.

@Joshua For clarification, does a convincing replication showing that LK-99 is not a superconductor also count?

@Joshua Also I think the most likely case is that there are multiple replications within a short time span of each other, and none of them are entirely convincing on their own, but all of them together are convincing.

No, maybe that's me using the word wrong though? My intention is that this resolved to the first group to prove that it is a superconductor, or else to "no replication"

If it really is indistinguishably close I could resolve to a percentage, but I think I would try very hard to discern who was first if they were all good professional replications.

bought Ṁ10 of Other YES

@Joshua no you're using the term correctly, it would not "replicate" if they found it to be not a superconductor

bought Ṁ4 of Other NO

For reference on the "@iris_IGB on Twitter/X" option:

- https://twitter.com/iris_IGB

The submit button seems to be returning an error?

    "message": "Only the creator or an admin can create an answer"

Similar error for me!

@LoganTurner Ooh, let me fix this...

@JamesGrugett Thanks, it worked!

@LoganTurner Yup! Thanks for trying it out

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