Bet on love
Increased Creation Costs
Profile & Portfolio merged
Manifold.Love sunset
New Numeric market type
Browse ui update, color fill binary mc markets
Austin leaves Manifold team
1-99 bet limit on some markets
Mana economy changes
New mana USD prices
Mana transaction fees enabled
Pivot announcement
Pivot update delaying changes
Updated portfolio graphs
NA ability removed
Night before pivot selloff
Pivot: Spice/Points added, Mana devalued, Market cost changed
Creators earn 100% fee up to 1000
Higher question tiers
Play/Mini tier and expanded mc options
Manifest ends
Quick limit order buttons
Sum to 1 MC markets limited to 1-99%
paginated multi choice markets

Use mana to let the team know what you think about how they're running the website. 100% means everyone is happy with the direction Manifold is going and the team behind it, and 0% means something has probably gone tragically wrong.

  • Does not impact profit rankings

  • Permanently open market, will not resolve.

Other Approval Ratings:





Get αΉ€600 play money
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When you go to a MC Market it automatically opens the keyboard and opens the option search which is rather annoying

bought αΉ€100 YES

I like the stock

@chris they just depaginated MC markets

ey we're back folks

bought αΉ€25 YES at 34%
bought αΉ€50 YES

They don't get it. But I do.


paginated MC markets

bought αΉ€30 NO at 35%

Manifold has a lower approval rating than Joe Biden, yet here I am continuing my streak. It's making me reconsider my prediction on the Biden nomination market.

No thank you.

This must be an improvement made for better site performance or lower operation costs? Because I know it isn't for user experience. Only thing I can think of is that the pagination was supposed to be implemented for the long list that shows up when resolving and not for the front-end view?

oh no 😭 this has to be a joke

For a prediction market platform they surprisingly don't seem to use markets to predict whether users will like incoming changes lol

interesting... could see this one coming. def has to do with performance. i can see an argument for user experience too. the big markets were pretty chaotic and scrolling around could be a chore. not sure how i feel about this.

Play around with one where you have some trades. Nav doesn't stay in one place from page to page.

yea i already see a ton of obvious complaints lol

This feature is actually useful - once I loaded a huge multi-choice market on mobile app and it lagged the shit out of my phone. But yeah, I think admins should make so there is more choices per page

balance log is back where it was (on the profile page) πŸ‘

limit order indicators in Advanced Trader mode were removed because they're "ugly" πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘Ž

bought αΉ€250 NO at 36%

I found the limit order indicators to be really helpful for making it really quick/easy to see where the orders are. RIP bars.

Tbh They werent fully thought out and kinda ugly, but were useful. Yet another half baked idea that wasn't ready to release but now ppl will miss bc they got to use it.


I really wish they hadn't removed the extra info under multi-choice market options

For binary markets we get payout (aka shares), spent, expected value, and profit, but for multi-choice options it's only shares now 😞

It doesn't make any sense, adding so many extra steps.

there's been no official defense of the change, but I'll offer a speculative one: what matters (at least for dependent MC) is total spend vs individual shares, which is still visible. I find it an annoying change too though

it's extremely frustrating to not be able to glance and assess my bet/risk per option. moreso because I and others have been commenting about this since the change was made (I think I'm up to a dozen people counted as pointing this out) without any acknowledgement. :(

yep I agree

Hot Pockets is no longer coming with the microwave sleeve. Similar to market not telling me the mana spend on the many choice markets. It is missing something and incomplete! I am giving the downgrade.

The look is nice for me, but missing info.

click on the πŸ‘€ icon and you can see positions and trades.

Thank you but I am looking for the information that was nice and ready at the first glance before it.

Hot pockets what?!? Nestle, this is low, even for you