Will we get AGI before 2027?

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) refers to a type of artificial intelligence that has the ability to understand, learn, and apply its intelligence to a wide variety of problems, much like a human being. Unlike narrow or weak AI, which is designed and trained for specific tasks (like language translation, playing a game, or image recognition), AGI can theoretically perform any intellectual task that a human being can. It involves the capability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly, and learn from experience.

Resolves as YES if such a system is created and publicly announced before January 1st 2027

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How are you tracking AGI being achieved?

Could I suggest monitoring Dr Alan Thompson's (Australian AI Professor's) Conservative countdown to AGI? - https://lifearchitect.ai/agi/

predicts NO

@OneGuy Ah interesting! think the physical embodiment is incorrect though

predicts NO

@OneGuy I haven't found a clear set of critieria that really clicks with me yet, so haven't specified a list of bullet points in the question description so far. I plan on sticking as close as possible to what the general consensus on "definition of AGI" is, so it shouldn't be drastically different from other people's criteria. If I don't find a list to link to directly then I'll write one myself and put it in the description (or link to it if the description starts getting too long).

Thanks for the url you posted! I'm also happy to hear input from anyone else.