Will @firstuserhere cross 1 million All-Time profit by the end 2023?
resolved Dec 27

Resolves YES if @firstuserhere earns Ṁ1,000,000 or more total profit before December 31st 2023 23:59:59 UTC. If this dosn't happen resolves NO.

This market will resolves using the official Manifold Leaderboard: Top Traders of All Time OR using the "Profit" value from the profile page of @firstuserhere.

Any single point on the personal "Profit" graph that is Ṁ1,000,000 or more is sufficient for the YES resolution. Profit spike still counts. Intentional total profit value manipulation by strategic betting by anyone will not be disqualified, and this market still resolves acording to the resolution criteria above.

Btw here's /Wobbles/firstuserhere-stock-permanent

to start trading!

🏅 Top traders

#NameTotal profit
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Resolves YES

Marcus AbramovitchboughtṀ1,000YES

@MarcusAbramovitch did he do it? I see it going up to 997k, but don't see the profit graph going above that

If Mira sells her position this will resolve Yes.

The most important market for the resolution of this market: https://manifold.markets/firstuserhere/will-firstuserhere-walk-100000-step


To avoid any confusion, @firstuserhere is currently @Feanor, and this market will resolve as the position of the profits of the user https://manifold.markets/api/v0/user/by-id/zgCIqq8AmRUYVu6AdQ9vVEJN8On1, no matter the username they might have at the time

@MayMeta yeah, given that users can change usernames at will, there should be a redirect to the same profile even if it's a new username

@MayMeta Is there a way to look at the history of all-time profit? It seemed to hit 997k but then the GUI didn't update until it fell. If we had fine-grain data, I suspect it did cross 100k at some point.

Jan 31st 2023 is not end of 2023

@MarcusAbramovitch thx, fxd!
I first wrote Jan 1st 2024, and then replaced the year and the day, forgetting about the month😅

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