Will @MarcusAbramovitch cross 1 million All-Time profit by the end Summer?
resolved Aug 26

Resolves YES if @MarcusAbramovitch earns Ṁ1,000,000 or more total profit before August 31st 2023 23:59:59 UTC. If this dosn't happen resolves NO.

This market will resolves using the official Manifold Leaderboard: Top Traders of All Time OR using the "Profit" value from the profile page of @MarcusAbramovitch.

Any single point on the personal "Profit" graph that is Ṁ1,000,000 or more is sufficient for the YES resolution. Profit spike still counts. Intentional total profit value manipulation by strategic betting by anyone will not be disqualified, and this market still resolves acording to the resolution criteria above.

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For proof

Resolves YES @MayMeta



If either of these two markets on all-time profit thresholds resolves YES, will it be because it was rigged?
50% chance. The two markets, resolving at end-of August: [markets]Their resolution criteria allow for arbitrary shenanigans with regard to manipulation of paper profits, meaning that betters are not merely forecasting how profitable other traders will be, but also need to account for the possibility of manipulation. If neither of these two markes resolves YES, this market resolves N/A. Otherwise, this market resolves YES if at least one of the linked markets resolved YES in a manner that appears to be due to manipulation/rigging/shenanigans. A temporary profit spike caused my Manifold bugs and charting inadequacies doesn't count as manipulation, unless introduced or exploited intentionally to manipulate these markets - if a trader knows how to take advantage of a bug and does so then that counts, but a randomly-occuring bug does not count.) The obvious manner of manipulating paper profits is a user intentionally mispricing a market on which they have a high stake. That would definitely count. Collusion with other users to create temporary high paper profits would count. Creating a market and subsidising it before budding it to extremes to launder subsidy money into "profit" also counts. Shenanigans resulting in actual profits do not count. E.g. manipulating a different market in order to get a favourable resolution, resulting in real profits is fine. We just want to distinguish between actual profit, and manipulated paper profits due to intentional mispricings, methods of laundering cash into profit via subsidies/alts/collusion/whatnot, and so on. I won't bet because resolution may require a judgement call. I'll resolve N/A if I can't determine to reasonable confidence whether shenanigans took place.

I was looking for this market.

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