Will members of the EA community create an EA-focused university by 2030?

Resolves positively if members of the effective altruism community create a university that, as an explicit mission, has values / degrees that are focused in achieving goals considered part of the effective altruism worldview.

Effective altruism need not be specifically mentioned, but I will use my subjective judgement if need be to determine whether the newly-created university is sufficiently EA-coded to merit a Yes resolution.

2023-01-07: I sold my shares and will no longer be trading in this market to avoid resolution conflict-of-interests.

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bought Ṁ20 of NO

This definitely seems like something that becomes less likely in light of the FTX fallout.

bought Ṁ35 of NO

less effective than an ea student group, vocational school/bootcamp, elementary school in africa, or convincing a harvard or oxford to shill ea for us

Will members of the EA community create an EA-focused university by 2030?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition

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