According to Wikipedia. Actually directly categorized as genocide, not just "many people are saying..."
Are you ever going to resolve this?
@benjaminIkuta yes, according to Wikipedia, 🤣
The destruction is not the elimination of a group,
I think you're trying to use word semantics while failing to know the definition of said words.
Typical no child left behind act student
Wikipedia defines genocide the same way the international courts do.
This has been resolved and has been declared LEGALLY a geonicde you're being petty and waiting for it to match your feelings as a zionoist
"Not just by many people"
"Directly labeled a genocide"
Which the international courts did.
Like I stated I reported it, it takes 24-48 hours to be looked at and a decision to be made
I can only hope they ban your manipulation markets who use feelings instead of factual law.
I just bet no. But I’m really close to changing my opinion. Genocide joins a long list of words undergoing persuasive redefinition. There’s plenty of academics calling this “textbook” genocide now as if genocide is defined like water solubility of a salt. There hasn’t been much effective pushback on Wikipedia’s redefinition of Zionism, but Wikipedia will lean heavily on WP:RS and if there’s enough textbooks published saying it’s genocide, then WP:WEIGHT will put that in Wiki Voice eventually.
The only things I see stopping this trend is editors willing to be unpopular and/or scholarly sources willing to do the same. By which I mean unpopular among the types who share training in communication in that pleased professors, not particularly concerned about the hoi polloi.
Normally this wouldn’t be something I’d predict, but people may restrain themselves on a topic this serious and the reflects so saliently on Wikipedia and its reputation. It will be a rubicon point for the platform if they do and it sticks.
@CraigTalbert it's been declared a genocide by the international courts, the reason this isn't resolved is beyond me.
@CraigTalbert well see. As ive reported it
The headline states not by many people
I'm sure I'm more educated than someone who believes wiki has to be the bottom line.
It's been declared legally a geonicde.
Go back to 4chan 🤡
@CraigTalbert "Is"
You should use proper grammar if you're going to try and insult someone.
🐖 I'm safe to assume capitalizing as well as using correct punctuation is a little above your English Composition level.
@CraigTalbert I did state English Composition.
Is there a reason that you need to ask to clarify aside from showing how many IEPs it took for you to graduate from the third grade?
It would definitely explain why you're negative on your "All time trades." 🤣