
Resolves YES if @Tumbles is even slightly late to pay back any mana loan that they intentionally accepted. Any extensions must have been agreed upon in advance.

@Tumbles may choose to resolve this market NO if they don't owe any mana to other users. Once they do so, they will be prohibited from taking on any new loans for three months.

I will use this description as a ledger of what I owe and when I owe it. I will update it as appropriate. All amounts listed include any fees or interest associated with the loan. Dates listed are the final day during which payment is not late (PST -8:00).

Aug 31st 2024 - Ṁ15,000 @AndrewG

Aug 31st 2024 - Ṁ4,200 @EBurk

Aug 31st 2024 - Ṁ30,000 @Vortex
Sep 7th 2024 - Ṁ41,000 @AmmonLam
Sep 9th 2024 - Ṁ18,000 @Gabrielle
Oct 30th 2024 - Ṁ3,000 @Rucker
Jan 6th 2025 - Ṁ35,000 @QuantumObserver
Jan 6th 2025 - Ṁ13,500 @EvanDaniel
Jan 6th 2025 - Ṁ32,000 @Tripping
Jan 14th 2025 - Ṁ138,000 @AmmonLam

Jan 31st 2025 - Ṁ51,000 @sophiawisdom

Jan 31st 2025 - Ṁ31,000 @CharlesLien

Fee of 500 mana per day - Ṁ100,000 @AmmonLam

Nuke loans due upon market resolution - Ṁ5,000 @EvanDaniel
Loan due if and when Trump wins 2024 election - Ṁ24,000 @Conflux
I owe @EvanDaniel some interest on a previous 2k loan once they give me a number

Total: Ṁ576,700 (doesn't include conditional loan)

Total loans previously paid off on time: 711,679 (short term loans not included)

Loans paid off since Biden dropped out: Ṁ276,300

Check out the Tumbles Financial Complex!

Get Ṁ600 play money
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Ladies and gentleman, I’m afraid it’s looking pretty joever. My balance is -731k. Once the loan markets resolve, counting my outstanding loans, I’ll be almost three million mana in the red.

It’s been an honour meming with you all. To my investors/creditors, I’m sorry it ends this way. This was always going to end in either glory or disaster, and unfortunately it came to disaster.

I’ll make a mini final report once the dust settles and markets finish resolving.

I’ll sell my 29k YES shares at 78% for any buyers

All of us are putting in the work every day with predicting the MANA-MALA and this BIDEN-BOY is wanting the loan forgiveness? Forget it!!! Be the SPICE-MAN and let's be paying it off one Jimmy Carter market at the time!

SNL gif. Dana Carvey dressed as Grumpy Old Man sits up in his seat with a droopy frown and tightly knotted eyebrows on his face. He shouts, “I'm a grumpy old man!”

Are you saying you are NOT in favor of raising funds for Tumbles to pay off his loan from you, and you would rather have him default?

Yes, this is very much the true American way. He can pull up by the suspender straps!!!

opened a Ṁ1,000 NO at 92% order

This were very high risk, high reward loans. Why should these creditors be bailed out? Tumbles should just declare bankruptcy and start afresh

It's not even like they were on the pareto frontier of risk vs reward, they were just negative ev and stupid

From the high interest rates they got I don't think it was negative ev

it seems to have, just descriptively, been a ponzi scheme on top of negative ev gambling? i don't see how loans to that can be +ev

I guess you could argue everyone could tell tumbles could leave manifold holding the bag?

@Simon74fe I don't care about the creditors being made whole very much, looking at the names I see people who are sophisticated enough to know what they were getting themselves into.

The main reason I think it's interesting to attempt to resolve this market No is because it sounds fun. Even though it is not likely to work, it will be enjoyable.

@jacksonpolack Yes, I think it was +ev for everyone involved, and -ev for Manifold because they were giving out free loans for highly leveraged positions

I only gave Tumbles loans because I thought it would be funny, I was not expecting positive EV. And indeed, I am having a lot of fun! $18 well spent.

opened a Ṁ100 NO at 70% order

I've started a Financial Support Group for Tumbles and so far he has raised almost 20,000 mana within 30 minutes. Gabrielle paid off an 18,000 mana loan and Tumbles is raising money via managram to Orangey:


Get in quick, I'm matching all donations up to 5000 mana within the next ~hour.

What is the priority of claims? Is manifold first or last?

Manifold immediately takes claim on mana paid out from markets (since it just counts against the negative account balance), but I’m pretty sure they’re last in line for getting donation money.

I think unless Manifold fines Orangey, it's the closest unsecured loan

@AlexbGoode He "promised" me that any mana I sent to "Orangey" would be used to pay off debts in order of due date, and not bet on markets. Keep an eye out on that front to see how trustworthy you think he is. (So far he has not bet with the mana.)

Will manifold allow tumbles to create a new financial complex with their alt account and leave the main account with 600k in the red?

well they let mira do that

I think it'd be reasonable for manifold to do that, if it's done with the attitue that "loans were stupid and our fault, and we apologize to our users and are eating the resulting loss"

Alright, time is up on the matching offer for now, but I might offer it again in the future.

@Eliza When will you pay your matched donations?

@AlexbGoode Only 739 mana was sent in during the matching hour and I already paid in 1010 so it wasn't enough to trigger additional donations. But since you seem to be still interested, I'll retroactively extend yesterday's matching period from 1 hour to 24 hours. The total is already 1347 and I'll match up to 5000 through 24h from my first donation.