🟠Who would have to be running for Manifold to vote for Donald Trump in a presidential election? [ADD RESPONSES]
Jun 1
Jabba the Hutt
Robert Edward Lee
Curtis Yarvin
Bobby Fischer
A large asteroid, plummeting towards Earth's gravity well
Benjamin Netanyahu
Lucifer, the King of Hell / Satan
Lee Harvey Oswald
Nick Land
The Master / Harry Saxon (from Doctor Who)
A time traveler who can only go back in time to kill Hitler if he isn't busy being president
Dolores Umbridge
Kang and/or Kodos
Andrew Johnson
A random citizen with diagnosed paranoid schizophrenia and a dependence on stimulants
A severe case of ulcerative colitis
Scar (lion king)
The nominee of the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party
Yasser Arafat

High Percent answer = Manifold would vote for Trump instead of this person
Low Percent answer = Manifold would vote for this person instead of Trump

Will be resolved by a poll for each option when the market closes.

See other for more options: /strutheo/who-would-have-to-be-running-for-ma-174d8cf13790

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bought Ṁ20 Rorschach YES

Rorschach would immediately start a lot of wars. No compromise, even in the face of Armageddon.

Hasan Piker / Hasanabi
bought Ṁ35 Hasan Piker / Hasanabi NO

Relatively normal leftist. Vaush resolved NO, I don't see why Hasan would be different. But this was at 80%?

@Joshua okay despite my dgg background im not one to usually care for the Hasan bashing, but he is absolutely not a normal leftist. He is a full-on USSR/China/Hamas simp leftist. He's like the imaginary communist the Cold War was fought against.

I would vote for him over Trump because I doubt he could actually get anything done as president but ideologically he is re-education-camps-for-capitalists-kill-all-landlords-nuke-israel -unhinged.

Bill Cipher

This is a demon who re-arranges people's holes for fun and wants to destroy the universe

A cockroach

Are we just assuming the 25th ammendment gets invoked for answers like this? Seems bad to leave the country without a commander-in-chief.

@Joshua who is the vice president though?

Chat GPT
bought Ṁ10 Chat GPT YES


Light Yagami
bought Ṁ10 Light Yagami YES

Light Yagami should not be within the same zip code as the nuclear codes, this should be at 100%

bought Ṁ10 Light Yagami YES

Okay I'm looking at this market for the first time and so many of these are wrong! I want to have so many debates right now...

@Joshua which are most egregious lol

Lucifer, the King of Hell / Satan

Why betting "no" on this @TheAllMemeingEye >< ?

@dionisos haha a couple reasons:

  1. The poll matchup would look so funny that a significant portion of Manifold may vote based on comedic value instead of actual beliefs, like in the LEPFP poll

  2. Manifold has a large portion of users from the Rationality community, who are largely atheistic, thus may like Satan as a symbol of rebellion against God

  3. Satan doesn't actually do the punishing in Hell, God does, Satan is just the highest profile prisoner for rebelling against this very same God
    Why would Satan burn you in hell for disobeying the same god he disobeyed? : r/TooAfraidToAsk (reddit.com)

  4. According to Manifold, Satan is on the verge of winning in the grand scheme of things

@dionisos It goes without saying this is no guarantee of Satan winning the vote, I just think 97% Trump is a tad too high

"Satan doesn't actually do the punishing in Hell, God does,"
Debatable: Matthew 10:28 seems to refer to Satan with "And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna."

@TiredCliche Is that not referring to God?

@TheAllMemeingEye It is traditionally thought that this line refers to Satan, from everything I've read.

@TheAllMemeingEye Ok, it makes sense :-)

Yourself from 15 years ago

Will self-loathing win out over narcissism?


@PlasmaBallin Does this option also make the Devil real?

@TheAllMemeingEye I think it should be assumed that under this option, the devil is real no matter who you vote for.

@PlasmaBallin Fuck I'm going to hell then haha

@PlasmaBallin But yeah if so then it sounds like there's a decent chance he'll use presidential power to do stuff for the devil in exchange for knowledge then

Bobby Fischer
bought Ṁ1 Bobby Fischer YES

@traders guys Bobby Fischer was a neo-nazi, huge profits to be made by betting him up, voting against him in the poll, and reposting the comments about him to your followers! 💰 🤑

@TheAllMemeingEye (to be historically accurate - no he was not a neonazi)

bought Ṁ2 Bobby Fischer YES

@strutheo despite being half-Jewish, he wanted the mass incarceration and killing of Jewish people, seems pretty nazi-ish to me, and since he was around after the original Nazi party, one might even call him a new or 'neo' nazi lol

@TheAllMemeingEye words have meaning, he was not a neo nazi at any part in his life, but later in life he certainly WAS a delusional paranoid schizophrenic with antisemitic conspiracies

@strutheo hmm, maybe we're using different definitions, does neo-nazi mean something more specific to you?

@TheAllMemeingEye yes, a neo nazi is someone who supports the nazi party.

not every antisemitic person is a neonazi, even if there is some overlap.

otherwise half the middle east would be neo nazis

@strutheo I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, personally I would indeed count the relatively small minority of middle-Eastern people who are genocidally antisemitic as neonazis, though admittedly I might more specifically call them islamofascists

@strutheo for a moment I was tempted to add

"not every antisemitic person is a neonazi" - Chris (Strutheo)

To the out-of-context quotes market but tbf that would probably be defamation haha

@TheAllMemeingEye LOL do it, idc

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