Will Manifold support SELL orders with limits by end of 2023Q1?
resolved Apr 8

Resolves to YES iff at close I can place a sell order with a limit via both the GUI and API

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predicted NO

I am using my moderation permissions to resolve this market on behalf of the creator. This is according to the Manifold Markets unresolved markets policy found here: https://help.manifold.markets/unresolved-markets

If the creator returns and wishes to change the resolution, please reply to this comment and tag DavidChee. The admins will then undo the resolution I chose and you may pick your desired resolution.

predicted NO

Why can't I add this to the "Please Resolve" group?

predicted NO

@JosephNoonan so only moderators of that group can add to that group, as groups have admin, mod, and member levels. I do have mod access level for that group, and i added it there

predicted NO
predicted NO

Seems like this can resolve NO per https://help.manifold.markets/unresolved-markets

Both bot and human account appear inactive for two months.

predicted NO

@LivInTheLookingGlass can you resolve this?

predicted NO

please resolve

Will Manifold support SELL orders with limits by end of 2023Q1?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition

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