Will Manifold let users directly sell shares via limit orders by April 2023?
resolved Apr 1

Resolves YES if Manifold extends the current support for buying shares via limit orders to also allow for selling shares.

This will also resolve YES if there is a larger-scoped refactor of the ordering system that is judged (by me) to be equivalent.

Otherwise resolves NO.

Sep 17, 10:00am: In discord someone noted you can currently place a "buy" limit order in the opposite direction and set the price such that the shares cancel out. For the purposes here, this does not count - only new functionality that allows users to directly sell their previously bought shares via a limit order.

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predicted NO

@AndyMartin I am confused by the update about this comment from discord, and I fail to see the distinction from what we have now. If I own YES shares and I place a limit order for NO shares which is then filled, are my YES/NO pairs not automatically converted to M$? How is "selling previously bought shares" different from "buying opposite shares, then letting manifold automatically convert my shares into $M"?

predicted NO

@BoltonBailey The difference is that to place a BUY you have to have liquid mana on hand. That means it's by definition not a SELL

I think a key benefit here is that a sell limit order would be cancelled if I run out of mana, but a buy limit order is. Also, a sell limit order would only sell up to the number of shares I currently have.

A nice feature would be a sell all limit order that allows me to sell all my shares at some price.

@MartinRandall I think you mean "wouldn't be canceled", but yes, agreed this is an important distinction