By 2050, will there be a cure to aging?

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@Nocuddles What kind of trolling is this. Wanna buy more at a better price?

@Bayesian i'd buy some NO if the definition was a bit clearer

@Bayesian not a troll lol, just a fly by on a market I saw LO's on and I wasn't sure if there was more appetite, apparently there is! Sorry if I damaged something important

Hmmm maybe? I sense that there's a hazard in "markets I'm confident in, but have outrageous ratios and people who are smarter than me are willing to put lots of play money against me very quickly if I bid them down"

Like, I feel like I could lose a lot here lol

That said, put the limit orders up and I'll chomp them up if I'm feeling it, and once diversify a bit more so people don't nag me about Kelly criterion. Lots of my bets seem to be different ways of asking (AGI when)

@Odoacre that's a big one. The criterion are a bit vague and I have to put lots of faith in shared common definition

Does doom count?


opened a Ṁ850 YES at 25% order

Large limit at 25 for anyone who wants to buy if down

@JimHays I would if I could

@JimHays hey Jim, if you are cashing out to donate, you can get a loan from manifold instead and don't have to go through the trouble of selling positions.

@Odoacre Hmm… I’ve already nuked a lot of my best positions

@JimHays yeah, it's not well communicated that this is an option. Still it might be better to go forward with it for what's left.

@Odoacre Thanks for the heads up, I really wish that had been better advertised, I was mostly planning to quit manifold over the change

@JimHays you can get the loan, donate and then quit. it's easier than selling everything

@JimHays Better odds for you on the other market.

Some arb here:

@Daniel_MC only a 3-4% chance of him living to 120 in this market.

Is it considered cured if all humans are dead or otherwise exist in a form not subject to (the same) age-related diseases?

no, yes

@Bayesian you're saying aging is cured if we still die of other age related diseases?

I'm saying it's not considered cured if all humans are dead, but it is considered cured if humans exist in a form not subject to aging

(^my opinion of what the title should be interpreted as)

opened a Ṁ1,000 NO at 22% order

@Bayesian "exist in a form not subject to (the same) age-related diseases" implies the possibility of "exist in a form subject to (different) age-related diseases", no?

good point, i rephrased it in a way that was accurate

How can this be resolved at closing time? What if there's a supposed cure but then it later turns out that the patient still dies eventually?

@benjaminIkuta we'll know it when we see it

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