Who will win the 2024 US Presidential Election?
Dec 17
Donald Trump
Joe Biden
Gavin Newsom
Kamala Harris
Gretchen Whitmer

Resolves to the person who wins the majority of votes for US President in the Electoral College, or selected by Congress following the contingency procedure in the Twelfth Amendment.

How "Other" works: I will add more top candidates to this question. If you bet on "Other" that is the same as betting on all candidates that are added after your bet.

(May resolve provisionally if both the Associated Press projects a winner and the losing major party candidate concedes; if Manifold allows provisional resolutions.)

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Panic of the Year (PotY)

bought Ṁ50 Joe Biden YES

It's a bit sad that people found the one poll were Biden is up and are pretending everything is OK.

If you're not going to do the responsibile thing and check a poll aggregator at least click through to that Twitter profile and look at the other polls they posted.

538's aggregate has gone from Trump+0.2 to Trump+0.7

Am I wrong to strongly overweigh the importance of the NYT & its editorial board? And to view them as a proxy for what people (esp. dem insiders) with real power think?

  1. has a candidate ever won the nomination after the nyt unanimously called for them to drop out?

  2. have they ever gotten behind a candidate that didn’t end up being the nominee?

Feels like a major signal, but I wonder if I’m missing something

NYT famously has a feud with Biden.

I wasn't aware of that. When did that start?

I'd say it probably started with their endorsements and interview in the 2020 primary, but has escalated during his Presidency.


The dynamics of this race are similar to that - Biden's losing support with nonwhite and high ed voters while holding strong with wwc wing of the party. The NYT originally didn't endorse him because they're very much the former group.

Where is Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro?

He has my full throated endorsement as one of the few people who can bail us out.

sold Ṁ1 Gavin Newsom NO

This is the only guy I would actually go all out an campaign for, instead of (as I plan to do now) simply not voting.

I know nothing of Shapiro, what are your biggest pros and cons for him as presidential material?

I'm biased, because I know him and his father was my doctor for 20 years.

He went to college to study political science when I was younger and then he basically just started running for everything and constantly won. He was very young when he was Montgomery County commissioner, and then became Attorney General, and then governor.

All of the successful Democratic Presidents have one thing in common - they were young. Kennedy, Clinton, and Obama, the three who didn't lose reelection, were around 44 or so. Shapiro is also very young, at 51. Being young is what people are looking for now. Additionally, he and Harris are the best two options because they both have a background in prosecution, and the opponent is a criminal.

The best option remains for Biden to simply say he's going to resign in a month, set up a smooth transition, and let Harris show that the world didn't end while she was President and allow any initial gaffes to be buried by the Olympics. Then, they have an incumbent running, there's no contested convention, she can select Shapiro to run with her, and they suddenly have 17 years of Democratic domination possible, while the Republicans continue to lose easy Senate seats by running Trump again in '28.

Biden has the opportunity to save the country and set up a significant possibility of reasonable governance for the remainder of human history. Will he do that? I doubt it, and he will likely go down in history as one of America's worst Presidents solely due to his arrogance and hunger for power. He's essentially no different than my grandfather when he was 90, not wanting to give up his driver's license even though he couldn't see and hadn't driven in ten years.

NYT Editorial Board calling for Biden to drop out: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/28/opinion/biden-election-debate-trump.html

Vote for Jimmy Carter

jason palmer for VP

Clinton/Carter has a nice ring to it

From your friendly local Democratic organizer: OMG we're boned.

Biden will rebound to approximately where he was before the debate in the coming weeks, polling is not going to change that much, people will forget, he will win in November.

bought Ṁ10,000 Joe Biden YES

Seems like Dems have overwhelmingly shifted to playing cleanup on TV now, wasn’t like last night where they were all panicking. At the very least I expect the price to rebound.

Biden doesn't win in November with his pre-debate polling unless there's also a polling error in his favor

You can make some cash if you put your money where your mouth is. Bookies have him at <20%

Gavin Newsom