Do you prefer daily loans over the new click-to-get-loan system on Manifold?
resolved Dec 31
Results (you'll be ineligible to vote in the poll if you see results)

(Daily loans were automatically given to users at midnight PT ish, the new system makes users click a button to get that day's "loan")

Made a poll because I thought it'd be nice to have this convo on manifold instead of Discord.

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I'm not a fan of the new system.

It just seems like an extra click for no reason, and I'm sure I'll end up missing out on my full loan amount because I don't get around to clicking every day.

Will the new feature survive? I've added a market on that question:

no I prefer the new system and think it makes more sense

Question on whether anyone will actually be able to find the button:

Well seeing as I am unable to locate any button to press for loans, I do prefer the old solution where I actually got loans to this one where I don't.

@dgga it's in the home tab, not your portfolio tab.

@chrisjbillington I have it on an alt, but not on this account. They probably disabled loans on accounts with negative net worth or something. Or it's a bug.

Regardless of the fact that not giving loans to <0 net worth individuals absolutely makes sense, I personally vastly prefer the system that gave me loans over the system that does not.

I love it. I think it will help engagement, feel like a reward, reduce unconscious overleveraging, and open up the door for expanded loan features

@Stralor agreeee

this poll is too confusingly worded

@nikki fixed

@nikki oh lol I voted wrong, I thought it was asking the opposite question.

@ian like, most questions propose: 'do you like the new thing?'

@ian I did the same thing, but in the other direction. Call it even

@Dilon Fwiw I also voted wrong. I meant to say that I like the old system better.

Generally, I’d prefer to engage with manifold in a slower way and mostly make long term bets. I actually kind of wish there was an alternate version of leagues that only looked at long-term profit and didn’t include the daily and weekly challenge bonuses. I understand the business need to have some metric to measure, and daily active users is a straightforward one, but things like the new loan system make me less likely to engage with manifold in the way that I prefer.

I'm genuinely unsure. It won't affect my loans much, it'll mean somewhat inactive traders won't get as leveraged (probably good for better pricing of longer-term markets where that leverage is often used to misprice?).

@chrisjbillington I think this is backwards? Anyone with an incentive to misprice a market can consistently claim their loans. This hurts people who have real lives to attend to and don't want to check Manifold every day.

@IsaacKing I think both types of users exist - obsessives who will misprice, and casuals who will. This reduces the influence of the latter, who I suspect are more numerous.

@IsaacKing Example, just saw my limit order get hit in the below market, it was a user visiting the site for the first time in 6 days and spending all their loans mispricing a market. I see this not too rarely. But I see every-day ones as well for sure.

It just got introduced, so I don't know yet!

I never got how the old loans worked. Good news is that I also don’t get how new loans work!

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