Will Israel have a unity government in 2023? (Read description)
resolved Jan 1

For the purposes of this market, a unity government is defined as a government including at least the Likud, Yesh Atid, and HaMachaneh HaTzioni, or a government containing Netanyahu, Lapid, and Gantz.

Context: With the war in Gaza going on, there's been a lot of talk about forming a unity government. Both Lapid and Gantz have expressed interest, but Lapid has demanded the expulsion of the far-right parties in the current government. Yisrael Beitenu also wants to join, but they are smaller and thus not necessary for this market's resolution

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I do not understand why do you have to include Yes Atid, as a condition to unity government.

The correct one includes coalition and opposition, and it is very wide.

I did not bet in that market cause the description contradicts the title

predicted NO

@CarmelHadar This market was created before the current coalition formed. Sorry I didn't mean for it to be confusing. I can try to revise the title.

But even now I would argue that Lapid is required for a true unity government. A unity government should transcends right and left in a way that this one doesn't.

sold Ṁ10 of YES

no way lapid joins

predicted NO

PSA: The current 'unity government' is not sufficient for a YES resolution. Yair Lapid or his party are required to join for this to resolve YES

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