Will Vitalik Buterin be found guilty of fraud before 2024?
resolved Nov 14

This resolves "Yes" if the named individual is found guilty in court.

If there is no court judgement but I am 99% confident that they have done fraud (eg credible accusations with evidence from credible sources). There will be an open survey with at least the options "Yes" and "Not enough information" . If 70% of people answer "Yes" then this market will resolve "Yes". This survey cannot be repeated for 3 months.

If the market doesn't resolve "Yes", it resolves "No" at close date.

There are markets about a range of public figures here: https://manifold.markets/group/scandal-markets

Nov 14, 2:20pm: Will Vitalik Buterin be responsible for a fraud scandal before 2024? → Will Vitalik Buterin be found guilty of fraud before 2024?

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Why did this resolve N/A?

predicted NO

@IsaacKing I was getting monstered on Twitter for it and I think it was harming the reputation of EA. Poor timing by me.

That's unfortunate. Started a discussion on this here.

Alright, I went ahead and did it. Don't post about this on Twitter. :)

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