Will Starship launch at least 5 times in 2024?
Dec 31

Upward movement from its engines thrust on a launch day counts as launch. The launch doesn't have to be successful. Only full-stack launches count, if it's only the ship or only the booster it doesn't count.

May 2, 11:43am: Will Starship launch 5 times in 2024? → Will Starship launch at least 5 times in 2024?

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IFT5 resolves this yes? nvm, IFT1,IFT2 in 2023, so so far we only have IFT3,IFT4 LOL

bought Ṁ100 NO from 45% to 41%

Heh yeah I was gonna say, need a bit more than that!

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@Mqrius And that's how we know his team told him 3 flights this year were possible