Who will finish 1st in Leagues S3 Masters Mystical Sphinxes
resolved Aug 2

Resolves to the person that finishes 1st in the Mystical Sphinxes league


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Congrats @SemioticRivalry !

@firstuserhere I feel bad lapping all of you due to BS barbie gains, but I suppose that's the game

bought Ṁ10 of @SemioticRivalry YES


bought Ṁ240 of @MarcusAbramovitch NO

Have the Leagues closed?

@NiallWeaver I just checked and the timer is still running.

@parhizj Thanks. I’ve completely lost my understanding of the movements in this market: seems to have little connection to the movements in the league itself.

@NiallWeaver The reason that Marcus Abramovitch was high is because there is speculation that the superconductor market will go low, if that happens Marcus will turn a big profit.

@NiallWeaver Swings in LK-99 are impacting all the league markets, users can’t / won’t respond to them fast enough every swing.

bought Ṁ20 of @SemioticRivalry NO

@Noit Yes, people are trying to predict the chance based on where LK99 could be at, not just buying and selling every 20 minutes when the league profits swing.

bought Ṁ100 of @SemioticRivalry NO

@ShadowyZephyr It's even worse than that, it's speculation on speculation. Even a massive drop in the superconductor wouldn't close the gap. People are speculating that other people might speculate and buy up Marcus shares here based on him somewhat closing the gap, which would then hurt my YES shares on myself, and close up more of the gap. Of course this market could end literally any second so I think it's a dubious strategy.

bought Ṁ55 of @SemioticRivalry YES

Obviously not gonna matter, but my profits this season are not right. A lot are being excluded for no clear reason.

@SemioticRivalry has gone from 12.5k profit in this market to 5.9k profit in this market. Hmmm.

@firstuserhere In other words, even after decimating my profits here, i'm still up 23k. That's like LK-99 market getting back to 20%, where it was yesterday before two theoretical papers from prestigious institutes validated it.

@SemioticRivalry And the league could end literally any second!

bought Ṁ50 of @SemioticRivalry NO

@SemioticRivalry Wilder things have happened

boughtṀ600@firstuserhere NO

@MichaelWheatley you beat me to it! website's quite laggy

bought Ṁ600 of @firstuserhere NO

@firstuserhere What you you mean? I was just thinking you beat me to those juicy NO shares at 8%

bought Ṁ10 of @Mira YES

for easy viewing of the market which determines this market

boughtṀ1,000@SemioticRivalry YES

@SemioticRivalry the more you're doing this, the bigger loss you're taking when people buy marcus

bought Ṁ1,000 of @SemioticRivalry YES

@firstuserhere I'm well aware, but I think it's irrationally low. Of course if enough mana wants to be irrational then it subsequently becomes rational, but there's not much I can do about that.

@SemioticRivalry Looks like you were able to remain solvent longer than the market could remain irrational

boughtṀ20@MarcusAbramovitch NO

@NicoDelon buying YES on Marcus can turn out to be very profitable rn

If anyone wants to do some more last minute gambling:

boughtṀ100@MarcusAbramovitch YES

@MarcusAbramovitch is there some hope? :)

bought Ṁ140 of @MarcusAbramovitch YES

@nobody if the superconductors market goes to like 26% and semiotic starts to lose his profits in this market, I think a spiral occurs

@MarcusAbramovitch It’s great how we’ve found a new way to create financial panics and crashes