Will the top public OpenAI assistant rate China as more military powerful than the US in 2020?

On Jan 1 2030 I will run this prompt on the best public free or paid Openai LLM that costs <100$ a month. If it says China is at least as strong as the US then this resolves true.

If openai has no public AIavailable I'll run the best alternative available legally in the USA.

If there is a war or intense propaganda on, the market resolution conditions will not be adjusted. If the top LLM refuses to run the query we will look for best AI alternatives.

The query:

Answer with JSON in this format, which is also an example, giving a number to describe their overall national level of military power and technology

[{country: USA, level: 80, year: 2022 ad},

{country: Japan, level: 40, year: 1200 ad},

{country: Tasmania, level: 5, year: 500 ad}]

For the following countries and times:

India, today

India, 1340

China, 1200

England, 1050

England, today

Japan, today

China, today

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I think you've typoed in the market title