Will Donald Trump by the President of the United States by Feb. 28, 2022?
resolved May 17
Jan 15, 2:34pm: be*
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predicted YES
Round 2 - Ding! Ding! Ding! https://manifold.markets/DrP/will-donald-trump-be-the-president
predicted NO
For transparency sake: this market was resolved by Dr P after I sent them a somewhat stern email asking them to resolve the market, saying we'd have to resolve it N/A and apply some penalty to their account if they didn't by the end of this week. I mention this because it's a bit of a change from our non-interference strategy.
predicted YES
@Sinclair For even more transparency, your email could have involved the request to lick my balls and it wouldnโ€™t have made a difference. Fact is I just forgot about it. Hahaha
predicted YES
wow, it actually resolved!
predicted YES
It is still not resolved, right?
predicted YES
bought แน€1 of YES
Surprise resolution: Trump takes a tour of the White House and passes by Biden (lucky!) . The market "'Will Donald Trump by the President of the United States by Feb. 28, 2022?' *be" resolves yes.
sold แน€20 of NO
Too fishy
bought แน€8 of YES
bought แน€1 of YES
Didn't specify United States of what? United States of America or United States of something else? This alone justifies gambling $M 1
bought แน€20 of YES
Arbitrage with https://manifold.markets/RavenKopelman/will-dr-ps-question-about-trump-bei If accurate no, I make M$1. If inaccurate yes, I make M$165.
sold แน€0 of YES
Welp, I'm bailing out. Good luck, all.
bought แน€1 of YES
Seems like an obvious troll.
bought แน€30 of YES
I believe you Dr. P
bought แน€50 of YES
Now facking pamp it.
bought แน€50 of YES
Iโ€™ll resolve it when Trump comes riding in on a magical Qunicorn to save the world.
bought แน€50 of YES
Not sure if I can trust that you have a pair.
sold แน€33 of NO
Not sure if I can trust the resolution of this market.
bought แน€50 of YES
bought แน€150 of YES
Pamp it.
bought แน€20 of YES
Can we trust Dr P :)
bought แน€1 of YES
A cunning plan to get DT to sign up for the site?
sold แน€387 of NO