Will SpaceX manage to stick all the booster landings during the next Falcon Heavy launch?
resolved Jul 29

It will be resolved after the next Falcon Heavy launch

Resolved 'Yes' if all the booster landing attempts during the next Falcon Heavy launch are successful, meaning we have landing confirmed callouts during the official webcast and/or we have footage of boosters standing on the landing pads and no explosion is seen until the webcast ends.

Otherwise, it will get resolved "no".

The upcoming launch of FH


The launch might be postponed, in which case I will extend the market.

Intentionally expended boosters do not count. Launch abort does not count.

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Looks like the next one will be USSF-52 on July 7, with side boosters returning to land on land.

Is everyone okay with this market extending to the next Falcon Heavy launch if there will be no landing attempts this time?

predicted YES

Like this comment for "yes it's okay"

predicted YES

Like this comment for "no not okay"

predicted YES

(can't like my own comment but yeah fine by me)

predicted YES

Looks like there is no landing legs this time.

predicted YES

@Berg Are you going to resolve Yes or N/A for no attempt?

predicted YES

@Sailfish The correct way of resolving this for no attempt I think is N/A. But I don't like that it feels like a waste. It's tempting to resolve Yes, to be honest.

predicted YES

N/A seems most correct. Can't "stick" something you don't attempt, but you can't fail it either.

For a different market maybe you could leave it as "the next FH where the boosters attempt a landing" instead of specifying a specific launch.

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