This market resolves YES if I am able to watch a video essay focusing on the Whales vs Minnows debacle in 2023.
What exactly is a video essay? Hard to say but I'll try to use my best judgement.
It's here! The full, 17-hour long Whales vs. Minnows video essay:
@JosephNoonan dude! Wow. So high quality! I wanna learn from this and make a better one
@firstuserhere Sorry, but I'm never gonna give you my trade secrets - it would jeopardize my dominance in the ultra-long video essay scene. I hope I haven't let you down too much.
@JosephNoonan Oh, well. Worth a shot. But yeah, it's a competitive edge, you shouldn't give it up like that, EVER
@firstuserhere This is incredible! I'd like to award you a personal bounty of Ṁ5,000 for your efforts. Check your email.
@Chad I think the original creator was blasé dracaena on the Manifold Discord. I'm not sure what their username on Manifold is, though.
@Dreamingpast yea fair point, I didn't define "video essay" and it's certainly up to interpretation. IMO 10 minutes is a fair minimum length based on my subjective video essay experience 🙃. I'll add that to the description if no one objects.
@turb You mean it doesn't have to be a 12 hour long video essay where the essayist starts out by explaining the entire history of prediction markets, the EA/rationalist movement and Manifold's creation, the history of the site including previous big markets, and an extensive profile of Isaac King himself, and then goes into a detailed analysis of everything that happened in the market and its aftermath, with some tangentially-related intermission segments for good measure? Disappointing.