If it directs to a domain parking service or registrar it will resolve NO
If a redirect happens to a company due to acquisition or rebrand, it will still count YES (ex: and
If a redirect happens to a company's related product it will count as YES (ex: and
If a domain redirect happens but it is totally unrelated, a decision will have to be made at the time (ex: someone buys a single character domain for the SEO but points it to an unrelated gambling/porn website)
Related questions
If the domain redirects to a different one, but the website is there - resolves Yes?
For example, twitter redirecting to
@ProjectVictory i am thinking about counting redirects as NA as long as the new website is real and functional
@strutheo further thought - maybe i'll count it YES if it is in someway related to the business (like twitter fully going to x .com ) but i would not count it if it is some sort of unrelated redirect (like if someone bought because it is popular for seo, but it redirects to some unrelated gambling website they set up)
note that steam (the game website) uses! they still have not been able to get steam