Submit banners by adding a comment with a description, then adding an option above. The community will rate them based on their own personal taste, whether it be funny or beautiful.
Resolved by the number of likes on the comments below some time after market closes. You can vote for any number of them.
@strutheo next version is out here:
This market is like The Best Of Manifold. On Monday, prediction markets are a source of truth. On Tuesday, our prediction market is a source of truth about somebody’s mom’s predilection to get soap dispensers. On Wednesday, flurry of soap dispenser bets. On Thursday, demand to clarify what is soap and a bunch of soap-adjacent discussion and puns. On Friday someone demands to resolve the market because soap exists. On Saturday everyone moves on to something else. 6 months later mods ask OP for update.
Enhanced games
@Clark nice! ill also start adding urls