This market works as follows. Each answer represents one investment idea. Each answer will eventually resolve to a percent, which will be the ROI after 6 months starting on May 1st 2024. Each 1% above/below 50% represents 1/2 point gained/lost over 6 months.
100% indicates a return of 25% after 6 months
80% indicates a return of 15% after 6 months
70% indicates a return of 10% after 6 months
50% indicates a return of 0% after 6 months
30% indicates a return of -10% after 6 months
20% indicates a return of -15% after 6 months
0% indicates a return of -25% after 6 months
On May 1st I'll put $500 into each of the top 10 choices on this list. If there is any profit after 6 months, I will share 5% of it among the top 5 spots on this market's leaderboard in a manner TBD!
Additional Rules
Must be able to be easily invested in by an average USA citizen
Can be refused for having 2 or less bettors on it or being added last second
I reserve the right to refuse any suggestion
JIMMY CARTER PINS - I am doing a side investment of $100 for 100 pins. Predict the ROI to the best of your ability, but it won't be chosen if it is in the top 10
MAGIC THE GATHERING PACKS - I am doing a side investment of $150 for two unopened The Dark booster packs. Predict the ROI to the best of your ability, but it won't be chosen if it is in the top 10
LINK: Click for tracking spreadsheet
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@strutheo Before you blame me, I bet you haven't even had dominos ONCE since May!!
(We are coming back, buy DPZ calls!!!)
dpz worst performer so far </3
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updated the spreadsheet with final price data (if anyone has a better template to use lmk)
AMZN 181.94
BRK.B 392.71
DPZ 525.58
GOOG 166
META 428
TQQQ 52.07
COST 722.27
QCOM 164.51
SPY 501.33
MSFT 392.44