What percentage of 18-29 year old voters will vote for the Democratic presidential candidate?
Nov 30

Will resolve to the Percentage of 18-29 year old voters who voted for the Democratic presidential candidate.

See also: https://manifold.markets/nic_kup/will-the-majority-of-1829-year-old

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How does the bet resolve?

@Snarflak Will resolve to the Percentage of 18-29 year old voters who voted for the Democratic presidential candidate.

@nic_kup I don't understand. It has to resolve to "yes" or "no", no?

@Snarflak You can resolve to percentages. You don't have to resolve to YES or NO.

Where will the data come from?

@Calvin6b82 Not sure yet, but news sources tend to agree on these numbers. Maybe whatever 538 will end up using. I'm open to suggestions.

@Calvin6b82 For now I will rely on https://circle.tufts.edu/, and double check with other sources.