Will AI be able to write, compile, and unit test a single .c file to reproduce GPT-2 training from PyTorch code by 2025?
Will AI be able to write, compile, and unit test a single .c file to reproduce GPT-2 training from PyTorch code by 2025?
Apr 9

Start date: April 9 , 2024

End date: April 9, 2025

Market with a longer timeline:

inspired from this tweet by Andrej Karpathy:

Btw writing the llm.c training code would imo be a very interesting, impressive, self-contained and very meta challenge for LLM agents.

The prompt is: Take the PyTorch code train_gpt2.py And write, compile and unit test a single .c file that reproduces the training: train_gpt2.c

The current models are not there, but we can check back in a year or two or so. If that worked...


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For clarification, AI should only be able to write the file given the prompt in the tweet?


@Jacy interested?


@firstuserhere thanks for thinking of me! I'm usually willing to bet a lot on priors, but there are just too many idiosyncrasies here (how much can it just copy existing code, how many times will this be attempted, how good are Devin/etc. at this particular sort of coding, etc.) for me to take a significant position, especially against anyone who has actually looked into this.

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