Will Biden's Cancer Moonshot initiative reduce age-adjusted cancer mortality by 50 percent within the next 25 years?

In 2016, President Biden announced the Cancer Moonshot initiative, with the goal to reduce age-adjusted cancer mortality by 50 percent within the next 25 years. The new NIH director said in a recent interview on Freakonomics that it's achievable, but difficult.


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Does this resolve YES if cancer mortality hits the target but it's totally unclear whether Biden's initiative had anything to do with it?

@WilliamEhlhardt That would be another in a long tradition of politicians taking credit for preexisting trends

@WilliamEhlhardt First of all, the target is really ambitious, so it's unlikely we'd hit it at all. Second, it's going to be easier to tell what moved the needle when it's moved so dramatically. I don't think attribution will be all that hard, but you're right that it'll be a combination of things. I will resolve it to yes if research or interventions funded by the initiative was a significant part of the change.