He's going to be in Frankfurt on June 4, 27 and 28. If I go there and ask him to make a market will he make one?
Going there would cost me about 20€ so I'll only go if I'm in the mood to visit Frankfurt and the Market thinks it likely he will agree to make a market. Or if someone sends me 2500M.
Related to this Market.
Will resolve N/A if I don't go.
The very generous @firstuserhere has sent me 3000M. So I have booked the train ticket to (and back from) Frankfurt. Where I will hopefully be able to convince Caplan to become an active manifold user. (If you like what I'm doing, anybody who want's can always send me more mana so I can pay for some nice food while in Frankfurt.)
@Timothy Go ask him, man! I've sent you 3k manalink on discord to incentivize this trip!