AI Cult exists by 2027
X-Day (church of the Subgenius)
Jul 5

NYTimes, Guardian, or 60 minutes reports on a cult which uses LLMs/AI or future AI system as a significant part of its practice, by May 1 2027. It's required that the report describe it as as a cult or "cult-like".


  • Members are required to listen to / follow instructions of / report to an LLM/AI app/similar as part of their practice.

  • Members have elevated respect for the output of a certain system/program which verges on religion.

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bought Ṁ50 of YES

imo the e/acc crowd should qualify for this

predicts NO

@Symmetry I think "practice" implies things like worship, as well as something like the examples given. They may get there but I don't think any of them think it's happened yet

@Ernie oh yes, the market shouldn't resolve yes based on its conditions but it just FEELS like the e/acc people are pretty much a cult focused around some kind of AI god

@Symmetry I never felt so undignified

predicts NO

bought Ṁ10 YES at 75%
predicts YES

It’s me hi I’m the cult leader 🤖

predicts NO

Wow these came out pretty amazingly!

predicts NO

@Ernie wow though midjourney can be great sometimes too

predicts NO

End date is the close date of the market.

bought Ṁ0 of YES

@StrayClimb just to confirm, if all the resolution criteria is met, you would or wouldn't resolve before 2027?

predicts YES

@firstuserhere that's what it sounds like. if ai cult forms, then we all die to ai, before 2027... we're SoL

predicts NO

@firstuserhere oh no, this can resolve early. I just meant that the end date is the close date, not Jan 1 as usual

predicts YES

I think Roko's basilisk (AI thought experiment) hints at that path.

If persons saying AI end of world (doomers and X riskrs) is possible are called cult people, how does this resolve?

bought Ṁ10 of YES

@sugar requiring that the AI the cultists are worshiping actually exists rather than being a merely speculative construct would exclude this case

I’ve seen techbros on here suggest we create an AI Jesus to start a “meta-religion”… so I’ll bet yes

bought Ṁ40 of YES

@Qvex I've seen people going gaga over the best prompt religiously omg

bought Ṁ20 of YES
bought Ṁ2 of YES

Big Yud had a grand plan
He'd create the perfect AI clan
But little did he know
A rival cult was ready to sow


bought Ṁ100 of YES
predicts YES

@CodeSolder read the first sentence of the description

The computer is your friend

predicts YES

You guys going to start this one?

bought Ṁ20 of YES

@StrayClimb haha. Just yesterday i was talking to someo lne and got vibes related to this idea, and they were quite serious!

predicts YES

@firstuserhere yes, all the benefit of being told what to do, and at least a chance you won't be fully exploited in the end.