Will OpenAI train a 1 trillion parameter machine learning model by the end of 2023?
resolved Apr 27
This market resolves to Yes if by 31st of December 2023, if OpenAI has made public the fact that they have trained a 1 trillion parameter neural network model. Otherwise it results to No.
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On the other hand, the results from Chinchilla (https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.15556) suggest that GPT3 and similar models were over-parameterized relative to what's compute optimal (and should have instead seen more data). On the new Chinchilla curves, a 1T parameter model would be two OOMs bigger than the current "best" model and require a lot of FLOPS. If someone's calculated how many FLOPS, a compute-optimal 1T param model would use, I'd be very interested to see that by the way.
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For context: GPT-3 was 175B parameters, released in 2020; GPT-2 was 1.5B only a year ago. Extrapolating naively to GPT-4 would get to sth like 10T parameters (and overdue), but it's possible there's some focus on training smaller models ala RETRO?