If, in my subjective judgment, prompt-generated AI porn videos at the end of 2026 are better than live action porn videos.
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@ProjectVictory I agree. I think at the very least it would've been prudent for the creator to have explicitly mentioned in the description that they were planning to bet.
@redcat Still makes me trust the resolution a lot less. I imagine this wouldn't be above 50% otherwise.
He has a portfolio of over 1m. He doesn't need it.
What if that is how he made the portfolio of over 1M?
@shankypanky my subjective level of arousal by said videos -- which tends to be almost entirely based on the quality of the bodies depicted and the movements they make but not at all based on any costumes or plotlines surrounding them.
@singer Real porn will still be a not entirely substitutablr niche product with much higher marginal costs of production so market share in terms of revenue for AI porn will probably lag way behind its actual superiority
@firstuserhere My guess would be that it's because it resolves based on subjective judgement, but idk for sure.