Will The Keys to the White House correctly predict the 2024 election?
Nov 6

The Keys to the White House is a system used to predict the outcome of US presidential elections. It has been correct 9 out of 10 times, with its only failure being predicting that Al Gore would beat George Bush in 2000.


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the keys to the white house is, without a doubt, the dumbest election model i have ever seen.

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is this the keys with Lichtman’s assessment or the assessment of the market creator, @ItsMe ?

predicts NO

@benshindel Ah I see you’ve already answered below 👍

Midterm gains: False (Democrats lost 22 seats)

No primary contest: Likely true, Biden likely takes the nomination with little challenge

Incumbent: Likely true

No third party: Uncertain, but leaning true nearer election day

Strong ST economy: Leaning false if trend continues, polls show majority are perceiving a recession

Strong LT economy: Likely true given high GDP growth post-COVID recession

Major policy change: Likely false, nothing major yet and Biden faces a Republican House

No social unrest: Leaning true, unrest since the end of the George Floyd riots has persisted but has been much less significant

No scandal: Likely true, no bipartisan agreement on any wrongdoing as of now

No foreign failure: Likely false given the (disliked) Afghanistan withdrawal, unresolved tensions with China and Russia, etc.

Major foreign success: Likely false unless something like a serious blow against Hamas occurs

Charismatic incumbent: Likely false as it was in 2020

Uncharismatic challenger: Likely true with Donald Trump as he was in 2016 and 2020, or any other GOP nominee

I count 6 or so false keys for Democrats right now.

predicts NO

When does Litchman make his prediction? This seems to be primarily a bet on how uncertain the result the presidential election will be at the time he makes his prediction (if this market is higher than the price of the predicted candidate at the time Litchman makes his prediction, you can just buy the predicted candidate instead of this market).

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Keys have been debunked awhile ago. Only question is whether Lichtman decides them based on his vibes of who he thinks will win, and how accurate those vibes are. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/despite-keys-obama-is-no-lock/

predicts NO

I would say around 8-9 are true now. The keys are missing Biden's age and unpopularity. The economy is actually fine-ish or even good, but b/c of the past inflation, people don't view it as that great. It may get slightly better in the next year (60% chance for me), or get much worse (20% chance; if oil prices rise). Biden's primary isn't looking all that competitive. He's an incumbent. Some chat the the advantages of incumbency are not what they used to be.

Biden's foreign policy blunder in Afghanistan might have partially worn off. Biden is not charismatic. He's also facing an unpopular challenger (Trump) who has been indicted four times. Overall I'd say the fundamentals have Biden up slightly, or predict a close election at least.

@DouglasCampbell Does Israel count as a foreign policy blunder? Ukraine might become one as well if Russia starts advancing again.

@DouglasCampbell I don't think the intelligence blunder in Afghanistan has completely worn off. In the age of targeted influence campaigns people's memories for long past events can be easily "refreshed". Trump's a polarizing character but nobody would call him uncharismatic.

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@Tumbles lots of limits up take take take!

How on earth could you answer this? Nine of the thirteen are subjective criteria.

@Najawin The same way they have been decided the last 10 times. Allan Lichtman gives his answer.

@ItsMe His answers are subjective too.

@ItsMe Shouldn't you change the title to "Will Lichtman predict the election" then?

@ThisProfileDoesntExist There's nothing wrong with the current title. This is how the keys to the whitehouse thing works