This market has a 5% chance of resolving YES, and otherwise stays open forever

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@IsaacKing your random number is: 47

Salt: Bw1UcsBJDCwLBqVNImEb, round: 3451369 (signature 941473d0f0c030d528d4529f7b437124a2daf834680c86590bc83eadf5e0b3815f5ef3d624ac558d34f1713ccf0fbb0d07956543281f72aafc414c3bb11df1712341da4458e4b2f809f51481f949e92eebd6a472ca772fb222f441e03353ca74)


@IsaacKing you asked for a random integer between 1 and 100, inclusive. Coming up shortly!

Source: GitHub, previous round: 3451367 (latest), offset: 2, selected round: 3451369, salt: Bw1UcsBJDCwLBqVNImEb.

@FairlyRandom Switched to a new mirror of drand and seems like that fixed it :)

predicts YES

Stays open forever.

predicts YES

@IsaacKing Make sure to add the market to the FairlyRandom group

predicts YES

@A I did, it's in it.

@IsaacKing Hmm yeah I guess it got cut off because there were too many...

@A Looks like an issue with cloudflare randomness endpoint possibly -- I'll check back on it later