Will a high-ranking U.S. official deny "UFOs = aliens" this year?
resolved Jan 1

This market is based on the premise that a high-ranking U.S. official will deny the idea that Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) are related to extraterrestrial life within this year. A denial should be as explicit as saying "we should not take the idea of extraterrestrial influence seriously", or similar remarks.

For the purposes of this market, a "high-ranking U.S. official" is any of:

- President

- Vice president

- Cabinet member

- Member of Joint Chiefs of Staff

- Member of the National Security Council

The statement must either be public, or made public (e.g. leaked, and confirmed by an independent source) by the end of the year. If leaked, the leak must come from two independent sources, and both sources must come forward before the end of the year.


- [Original Market]


- [Bill Nelson's remarks](https://thehill.com/opinion/international/579303-nasa-chief-bill-nelson-latest-official-to-suggest-ufos-have/ )

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predicted NO

This is going to resolve NO. The only ways that UFOs can be denied are by revealing the technology that was actually created by the military, or by revealing sources and methods used to collect intelligence that proves there are no UFOs.

predicted NO

@SteveSokolowski Nothing stops the President from saying "UFOs are not aliens" and giving zero supporting arguments. That would resolve this market YES.

predicted NO

@Mira It might resolve the market YES, but can you imagine how unbelievably stupid that would be? People would be going berserk: "how could he know that?"

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