Who will be in the first wave of Creator Partners on Manifold?
resolved Feb 27

Whenever Partner Creators are added for the first time, everyone in the first batch of people added resolves Yes. Everyone else resolves No.

If people use alt accounts for Partner Creator, I'm accepting their main account as the answer. Don't list alts.

@SirSalty will settle any disputes.

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I’m excited to be one of the first creators to be a part of this!

Will I leave the programme at any point this year?


Took it upon myself to create the obvious follow-up since it didn't seem to exist:


These got twice as expensive lately so I added 20 names that seemed they would get some trading and hopefully not immediately go to zero. You can add yourself if you're not listed, I just can't spend 5000 mana adding everyone I can think of.

@Eliza (Semi-related, but I wish that @ tags in answers gave you a notification!) thanks for filling out the market!

Thanks to everyone for participating. Based on feedback in the comments, it looks like people were quite happy to resolve on SirSalty's comment, even though the users have not been added to the site. I think this is just fine, especially since I deferred to SirSalty in the description.

Congrats to all the Creator Partners and hopefully a few more can be added in the days to come.

Here are some other markets I found that relate to this program -- check them out!






Well deserved.

@BTE Thanks for you!!!

When your hedging works perfectly

Im a genius

Technically this is a slight deviation from the criteria, since none of the people listed are actually officially on the site as Creator Partners yet, but I think it would be difficult to interpret SirSalty's closing the trading and announcing a list as anything other than definitive. I think I will resolve all the people not listed to No.

@Eliza agreed!

@Eliza Yeah, I think the only name that will change in the PR is if we decide to make any of the fulltime Manifold staff partners just for initial testing purposes (without intent to actually pay ourselves at the end of the quarter). But I was already planning to just to add those in a 2nd PR to align with the market's criteria haha.

@Eliza Okay everyone, I think I got all the Nos resolved. Temperature check on resolving the Yesses now vs waiting until they're actually on the site? I feel like SirSalty's strong presence in this market has more or less taken over for the prior criteria, but I'm hesitant to resolve Yesses immediately since there is no real option to fix them if, for example, one of the creators reveals they're actually an alt of Joshua and can't be partner on two accounts.

@Eliza Looks like the biggest misses were Michael Wheatley and Stralor who were both above 70% but resolved No, and then KeenenWatts and SIrCryptomind who were well below 50% but resolved Yes.

+1 to resolve now, bc sirsalty clearly is not aware of any illegal alts within creator partners, and that won't change when the PR goes through

@NFL @SimonGrayson @BTE @DanMan314 @Conflux @jack @strutheo @SirCryptomind @Joshua @Soli @Lion @firstuserhere @Shump @jacksonpolack @Eliza @SemioticRivalry @KeenenWatts Congrats! You are the first partners.

Also copying over my message from Discord:
For the most part though, I have been very impressed by the quality of the markets being produced by these individuals. There are a couple of names there that have a good thing going but may hear from me about making a few adjustments/checking they will meet the expectations I want to set with this program.

If your name is not on the list, don't fret! A majority of those who applied and didn't make it this time will become a partner before the quarter is up. And as previously announced, your bonuses will be retroactive as if you were made a partner today!

So as long as you earn partner before the quarter ends you aren't missing out. A few of you are very worthy of being partner, you may just be slightly newer or took a break from making markets and I want to see some more consistent creation again.

A few of you have specific things to work on. But aren't too far off.

Regardless, everyone who isn't a partner will get an email saying what you can improve to become a partner. But, for many of you this just means to keep doing what you've been doing but for a bit longer while we grow the program!

@SirSalty I am so proud to being a part of this program and am looking forward to earnings! So much love for the manifold community which always hugs me with the open arms. Everyone please join me in raising the market here for the motivation and let the good times roll, Ching-a-ling-a-ding-dong jingle jangle those are coins in my pockets!

drumroll please


@SirSalty @shankypanky‘s hands are bleeding

@mattyb fake news but my heart rate is up

The suspense is terrible, I hope it will last

@shankypanky typing and drumrolling for 5mins. inspirational.

You guys have a bit longer while I finish dinner then I'll announce

Quantum GamblerboughtṀ5@Lion YES

@SirSalty Thank you for your consideration.

@Mirek U didn't even email me to apply 😅 But it's okay consider ur application submitted.

@Eliza Please adding me ASAP for the program and I am negotiating fee of $0.75 for my services as they are premium above all others with luxuries in title and descriptions. 👑