Will Takeda's Dengue vaccine be incorporated into the Brazilian National Immunization Program until Dec 21st, 2023?
resolved Dec 22

Takeda Lab's vaccine against Dengue fever (QDENGA) was recently approved for use by the Brazilian Food and Drug Administration (Anvisa).

However, the country's Ministry of Health appears to be reluctant to incorporate this vaccine in the Universal Health System, claiming that it already sponsors the national development of another vaccine against Dengue by local Butantan Institute. On the other side, public health specialists have been advocating that the existing vaccine is used until then.

This market resolves as YES if the Ministry of Health announces it will use QDENGA vaccine as a part of the National Immunization Program until the closing date, even if it is only for specific segments of the population.

The application of the doses is not required to start until then, nor the release of a document with a detailed plan for the incorporation. However, if the announcement comes before the acceptance of the vaccine by the National Commission for the Incorporation of Technologies (Conitec), I will still wait for such an approval before resolving it as YES.

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predicted NO

@BernardoChrispimBaron wow. This literally happened on the last day of this market? Amazing.

predicted NO

@chrisjbillington I don't really remember why I chose the 21st as the last day for this market, but the meetings from the National Committee for Health Technology Incorporation are publicly scheduled in advance (https://www.gov.br/conitec/pt-br/assuntos/reunioes-da-conitec/calendario-de-reunioes). I probably picked the day after the last meeting

In the coming months, the WHO will consider the SAGE recommendation and update its position paper on dengue vaccines to include final guidance @little runmo