Will I poop my own pants by Dec 31, 2026? Must be a full poop, not a shart. Skirts, kilts, dresses, bodysuits, jeggings, and togas also count, if pooped in. Must be unintentional and outside of a hospital or my own bed. If someone pays me to perform the pooping, this does not count.
I have pooped my pants (according to these specifications) twice in my adult life, which spans the last 13 years.
@TheAllMemeingEye saw this on twitter yesterday. may partially explain lol. if i only had 60 second warnings i think i would not make it to the toilet quite frequently
@No_uh thanks lol, if eating veggies is causing her to shit herself then I think she needs a doctor appointment, her lifespan will be significantly reduced by lack of vitamins and minerals
@TheAllMemeingEye Maybe I'm misreading but I think she meant that this is her shitting experience without eating vegetables.
presumably with a more balanced diet, or whatever diet is right for her needs, she won't only have 1 minute to get to a toilet lol
also she said elsewhere she rarely poops, like once every few days or a week or something. i can't remember.
so she may just be very irregular, a side effect of not shitting very often may be that when your body DOES need to shit... it's a mega dookie. idk
i love a good poop joke but this much serious talk about poop has me feeling a little uneasy LMAO
@Stedward yeah, how does this even happen without some serious illness or disability?