The first letters prize has been taken by two individuals over the last two weeks which has gained international attention. The grand prize is $700k and requires 4 separate passages at 140 characters each be legible.
@AaronBailey The market only resolves YES if the prize is given in 2023. This can resolve NO now since that didn't happen.
@AaronBailey How long will you wait to find out whether a prize was awarded in Dec?
edit: oh, as per the screenshot, sounds like you can resolve right away.
@AaronBailey The organizers said they only started judging today. How could they have awarded the prize?
@Shump Ya this is a good q. I was planning on just resolving Jan 1. But maybe an announcement comes out later that says something was awarded in Dec.? Pretty unlikely imo.
Yes to your q though, if the judgement and award happens in Jan This will still resolve no.
@Mqrius I find the letter details interesting... The alpha doesn't look like the Greek alpha but more like the capital "A". Omicron looks like an upside down omega.