
Resolves "YES" if a male US president is elected who is less than 6 ft (183 cm) tall. Any election between between 2024 and 2036.

See also (note those questions do not require that winner is male):

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Desantis has manlet vibes fosho.

Do womanlets count?

predicts NO

@PeterBuyukliev Nope, it has to be male as stated. But the other three linked questions do not have such restriction.

the last manlet was george w. bush, barely (182cm), 20 years ago, so I am not sure >60% odds are justified

2036 inclusive? I usually say "through" or "before" since "by" is imprecise

How does this resolve if Biden is really 5'11?

predicts NO

@MartinRandall it will resolve โ€œyesโ€ if he is proven to have been a manlet on the election day

@lukres and it must be the next election since the question asks about the future

@lukres should make the start date clear then for future betters