Will a AI-first "pin" product sell more than 100,000 units by the end of 2025?

Will an AI first product with a camera that attached to the person in some way sell more than 100,000

units before the end of 2025?
Example product: https://hu.ma.ne New Website: https://humane.com/
Resolves YES if there is such a product.
NO otherwise.

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If I won't be able to find any news on the humane pin can I just assume it flopped haha?

bought Ṁ50 of NO

meta is by far the best positioned to do this (ray ban sunglasses partnership, investment into open source low compute LLM’s), but i suspect that this is not a priority compared to adding LLM’s to ig / fb and winning the AR battle

Something like Apple Watch is disqualified as not “ai first”, right?

@roma No. It doesn't really act as an assistant. It also doesn't have a forward facing camera.

@nic_kup Right. But if Apple make it possible to do things similar to what is shown in the Humane demo with the watch, will this count?

bought Ṁ100 of NO

@roma shouldn't as it's primarily not AI first product

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