What will be true of the company Safe Superintelligence (SSI) by the end of 2025? (Add Answers)
Zvi will mention the company in a blog post in 2025
Ilya will remain at the company continuously until EOY 2025, or until the company is acquired/ceases to exist
Ilya will discuss the company on a podcast
The majority of their compute will come from Nvidia GPUs
I will believe the company should have invested more in AI Safety relative to Capabilities at EOY 2025
The company will publish a Responsible Scaling Policy or similar document (e.g. OpenAI’s Preparedness Framework)
The company will finish a training run reported to use more than 10^24 FLOP (e.g. by Epoch AI)
The company will announce that their path to superintelligence involves self-play/synthetic data
The company will raise more than $1 billion of capital
The company will finish a training run reported to use more than 10^25 FLOP (e.g. by Epoch AI)
Ilya will give a presentation on research done at the company
The company will publish an assessment of the model’s dangerous capabilities (e.g. https://www.anthropic.com/news/frontier-threats-red-teaming-for-ai-safety)
At least one of the founders (Ilya Sutskever, Daniel Gross, Daniel Levy) will leave the company
The company will include at least one image on its website
The company will announce that their path to superintelligence involves creating an automated AI researcher
The company will publish research related specifically to Sparse Autoencoders
The company will announce that their model scores >= 50 GPQA
The company will announce that their model scores >= 85 MMLU
The company will be valued at >= $10 Billion according to a reputable news source (e.g. Forbes, Reuters, NYT)
A majority of people believe that the company has been net-positive for the world according to a poll released at EOY 2025

Ilya Sutskever announced today that he will be creating a new company Safe Superintelligence (SSI). What will be true of this company by EOY 2025?

Answers will resolve early if the criteria are met before EOY 2025. Answers starting with “I will believe” refer to @mr_mino , the market creator, unless otherwise specified. I will resolve NO for all questions without evidence. E.g. “The model will score > 85 on MMLU” will resolve NO if no one demonstrates that their model has achieved this score, even if it seems likely that it will if tested.

If you see a question you’d like to resolve early, please post a comment below. Feel free to add answers to this question.

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The company will raise more than $1 billion of capital

@nikstar Thanks, Resolved.

bought Ṁ750 Answer #gqalwvwnz1 NO

Not planning to work at SSI

The majority of their compute will come from Nvidia GPUs

@CameronHolmes I'm mainly wondering whether they will go down the Anthropic/GDM path and use TPUs/ASICs, but it seemed simpler to do the negative framing rather than try and catch all alternative options.

Yes, this is an interesting question. There’s a related question of whether they’ll build their own chips

bought Ṁ250 Answer #z4v7rv94im NO

ML researchers rarely publish in journals, and big players (like OpenAI) often don’t even bother with conferences or other forms of peer review.

bought Ṁ100 Answer #3ke46v0ge6 NO

"the company will declare bankruptcy"

Daniel Gross is one of the most successful investors in the current wave of technology. He could fund a meaningful research org singlehandedly for years. Also, for the next five years Ilya is going to be able to meet with ~any investor and raise capital

True, but it also costs a lot to make ASI

bought Ṁ5 Answer #sppqk354y2 NO

Anthropic raised billions from Amazon (presumably granted in the form of compute). Gross has access to a modest amount of compute through his fund.

Any hyperscaler (Nvidia, any other cloud) would gladly fork over billions in compute for a % ownership