In 2023, Merriam-Webster added 690 words to their dictionary, mostly slang or cultural references (including: rizz, doggo, and padawan - lol).
What words will the Merriam-Webster dictionary include on January 1st, 2025 which are not included today?
If you add a word which is already in the dictionary, you will need to clearly state what new meaning you’re hoping it will have (in the answer itself), or I will Resolve it N/A. You don’t need to get the definition perfectly (e.g. Karen currently has nothing to do with the “let me see the manager” perception), but you should be directionally close.
Go crazy, add whatever you can think of (but ensure it’s not already in the MW Dictionary!!). As this one will certainly have some subjectivity, I won’t be betting here.
I won’t Resolve anything NO until Jan 1st, but words will Resolve YES once they appear in the MW dictionary.
@schlongenheim Probably won't get added unless they actually become a thing, and even then, I wouldn't hold my breath on it given how many neologisms they don't include.
They have actually mentioned this phrase in an article before:
I had never heard of this word before, despite being part of the age demographic that allegedly uses it. To be honest, the word cheugy seems kind of cheugy to me.