Will we have cheap long-distance jet packs by 2030?🔥

The jet pack has to cost less than 10k of today's USD and last 1h+ on 1 tank/charge/etc.

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Does it count if it has similar capabilities to a jet pack but doesn't actually "shoot fire" like the trope? E.g. a quadcopter that attaches to your back somehow.

predicts YES

@A yes that's fine as long as it has the same capabilities

How are you measuring what is considered "long distance" , just the length the battery/fuel lasts by time measurement?

bought Ṁ45 of YES

@SirCryptomind look at description

@levifinkelstein So If it cost say $9k and the battery lasted for 2 hours, but you could only float in place, that would suffice?

predicts YES

@SirCryptomind no, it has to fit the jet pack trope, where you can use it to fly around.