Will @IsaacKing continue to spam under my markets?
resolved Mar 14

This morning Isaac decided to spam post on all my markets lying about me. I pondered for a bit why someone would do that. I came up with some potential reasons but none definitive of course.

Were his feelings hurt because I dismissed him the other day with a single word?

Did his autism simply flare up?

Did he ran out of his medication?

Maybe seeing his father's belt triggered some bad childhood memories.

Or perhaps his favourite cuckold website got shut down.

Is there a chance that his coworkers found out about his latex fetish?

Could it be that someone saw him peeing in his basement?

Was it his mom who saw him peeing in his basement?

Did the experience embarrass or arouse him?

All quite probable causes for Isaac soy rage posting at me. Regardless, his posts gave inspiration to this market and I think he will appreciate me emulating him a bit by posting this market on his markets as well.


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just got banned, time to grow up lul

85338842 i think migth be his alt. dont know for certain. :D

@Isaac228c If he's banned how do the markets close?

@blake apparently just a tempban

@Isaac228c thats good

@Isaac228c even so, if someone is every perma'd do their markets get marked N/A? Does the community decide what happened? I'm confused

@blake @Austin what's the answer, do they resolve N/A, do you resolve them, something else? I'm interested as well...

@blake @Isaac228c

johnleoks is only restricted from commenting and can still resolve markets.

In other cases, admins can resolve markets for inactive creators:


  • If clear resolution criteria are met and someone has commented to notify the creator, 10 days after the comment admin may step in and resolve markets on the creator’s behalf if they are unresponsive.

  • Markets will be added to the please resolve group and receive an @ comment to the author. For very large markets we may send an additional personal email reminder.

  • Note: We won’t be able to send a personal email reminder or manually resolve every unresolved market. But we will prioritise those which have a large amount of mana invested or those requested in Discord.

@Agh ah thx

@Birger just b/c I liked his comments?

i think someone is a people observer

oh boy, drama time


I don't think people would spam your markets if you had admitted you fucked up, but you doubled down and said you resolved it correctly.

I like your markets overall, but that was a weird hill to die on. The onus isn't on the betters to provide proof or screenshots. It's up to you, the market creator, to check so you can resolve it correctly. If you have time to dump 10k on the correct choice before resolving your markets, you can take a few seconds to check for a correct resolution without requiring screenshots.

And even if requiring a screenshot for resolution was a thing, it doesn't make sense to resolve it one way (especially one that favored you) when a screenshot wasn't provided.

This is a big L from you.

@PunishedFurry And you had even clarified 21 days in advance how this market would close and you did not abide by the conditions you originally set.

@PunishedFurry It was resolved correctly.

@johnleoks It clearly wasn't. You didn't check when the market closed like you originally said you would, you just checked it hours later. And then you blamed your incorrect resolution on the betters for not providing a screenshot. Well if you require a screenshot, then why resolve it at all when there was none provided?

@PunishedFurry 82% at time of me looking at it. Ergo it was clearly resolved correctly.

@johnleoks So why did you say you would resolve one way before and do it differently when the market closed?

@PunishedFurry Go take a nap Simba.

Trust is important in the markets, and I think he wanted to warn people of potential bad results in the future. (Here is the proof of bad results: https://manifold.markets/johnleoks/will-dans-stock-drop-to-80-or-below) I did not see any maliciousness in his posts. In fact, I think it was you who acted hostile in chat after people wondered about the bad result.

@Birger I mean he lied about me insulting people.

@johnleoks here you did:

johnleoks avatar

johnleokspredicted NO 2 days ago

@SkepticIC Your mom was sucking me off pretty hard last night.

@johnleoks I wasn't insulting him. Also, if anything they insulted me. Curious how neither Isaac or you mentioned that.

@johnleoks lmao you're actually a child

@johnleoks thinks the problem was the general response of how you dealt with the bad resolution. Bad resolution on its own is bad but not the worst. But to f*ck someone over, then insult their mother when they get upset about it is the wrong reaction.

And his 'insult' wasn't even an insult. His comment was: 'You actually suck John, I'm out of your markets and I'm not betting on them again

@Birger Ah yes him directly insulting me isn't an insult. Thanks for telling me not to take you seriously cause you're obviously biased. Also Isaac said I started insulting traders, which implies I was insulting multiple people, which I didn't. Ergo he was lying.

@johnleoks this is the inportant part of thet coment :D : "thinks the problem was the general response of how you dealt with the bad resolution. Bad resolution on its own is bad but not the worst. But to f*ck someone over, then insult their mother when they get upset about it is the wrong reaction."

@johnleoks brother you were wrong and insulted me, a trader. how can you even be serious rn?

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