will the AGI Clock's one-year average be below two years when 'AGI When?' resolves?
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Can you explain what this means / how this will be resolved in more detail? I’m not sure I understand.

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@benshindel the AGI clock shows Mainfold's guess about how long it will be until AGI arrives. If the value on this clock averages below two years during the year prior to AGI arriving, then this market will resolve YES. Where "AGI arriving" is defined as having occurred when the "AGI When?" market, on which the AGI clock is based, resolves.

@jim ah I see! Is this a rolling average? How will you determine this average over the course of the previous year?

@benshindel yeah it's a rolling average. I'll bribe Bolton Bailey or someone to do the average for me (unless it's apparent enough without the calculation).